

Eoin (O’Connor) is recognised by the Mediators Institute of Ireland, trained with Resolution Mediation from England and has a Masters in Mediation and Conflict Intervention from Maynooth University.


Why use Mediation….. ?

“Because making significant life transitions is about more than signing a legal document”.

Our interest in family mediation stems from our desire to facilitate people who wish to separate from each other without using “Chinese whispers” through their legal advisors. Where people wish to meet with an independent mediator; we wish to facilitate this.

The aim of people in separating is to do so in a way which causes as little distress as possible to their children and to the parties themselves together with as little expense as possible. Our wish is to facilitate this, where possible.

Mediation is a process where couples who agree to separate meet together, with the support of a trained mediator to organise their personal and financial lives. It provides a safe and secure transition to life after separation and divorce. This is especially important if there are children involved.

Where mediation involves a family lawyer, the mediation can proceed quite quickly and successfully to an agreement among the parties involved.

Research has shown that 80% of mediated cases are successfully resolved.

Our wish is to facilitate this success.


As a qualified Legal Mediator, Eoin O’Connor provides a full mediation service dealing with all categories of disputes, including civil and commercial matters.